20 February, 2011


Hey Ho ! :) hee .

Anyway today i would like to talk about vloggers!

what is vloggers?? (actually i also not sure :P) duhh . but i think Vloggers is Video Loggers , i think laaa .

Anyway 3 Vloggers that u should follow , watch n subscribes in Malaysia is :

A:Ehh Follow n Subscribes tuuhh bukan sama kee
A:tahh Follow kt Youtube mana ade , just subcribes n favourite jee ade .
B:ohh ekk , follow that i means is follow dekat Facebook ke , twitter kee! duhh (cover)
A:ohh yeahhh ! u should type it anyway! grr

Okeyhh2 Back to the topic !

Three Malaysian Vloggers That u Should Watch is :
1.Anwar Hadi (Youtube Channel : IniAnwarHadi )
2.Maria Elena (Youtube Channel : shortnap )
3.MatLuhtfi (Youtube Channel : matluthfi90 )

okeyhh Done ! wait2 , jgn ckp ape2 . dyeorang nieyh bagus bagi aku laahh , kalo korang x suka nk buat camne kan ( Back Off haters )

Those 3 Vloggers in Malaysia that i like is beacause they are funny , creative n very good in english :P duhh .

Take a break , while watching this 3 videos from 3 Malaysian Vloggers ! enjoy :) Peace be Upon You .


