17 February, 2011

Did You Ever Know !

Okeyh! First of all heyy guyss I'm back in business , Yeahh! . Tngk last post aku , 23 of oct , lama kann! haha well actually I'm forgot my password what a foolish person right? hoho! so today , i would like to talk about 3 ! yeahh 3 ! x phm? TIGA! haha . okeyhh lets check it out!

Did u ever know that 3 things that i missed most ? Did i say Missed , I Mean MISSED! well let see :
1.Tahfiz,Sekolah Pondok,Khemah Ibadah or anything else yg ade kaitan dngn agama !
2.School! yeahh i missed school alot . rindu kowt nk belajaq! haha
3.Hang out! yeahh i missed hang out dngn kawan2 . duhh !

okeyhh now u guys know what i missed most right! yeah thats right Tahfiz,Sekolah Pondok,Khemah Ibadah n others! . Why? haha , sbb belajar dekat situ memang best taw! korang2 yg x pernah belajar kt situ patut rasa jealous dngn aku! haha . secondly sbb belajar,tinggl dekat madrasah,setiap hari pegi masjid,menghafaz n buat ibadah buat korang rasa aman and tenang jee! serious! x caya pegi try! . And time ceramah dkat tahfiz dulu , aku slalu ingt bila ustz tu ckp seorang ank yg telah menjadi hafiz or hafizah (hafal 31 juz quran) boleh tarik 10 orng dari ahli keluarganya untuk masuk syurga! ohh sememangnya best kan! tp sayang aku bukan salah seorang dari mereka :( . tp insyaallah aku nekad nk hantar sorang dari ank aku (akn dtng :P) pergi masuk tahfiz! Insyaallah .

Okeyh Secondly!

Did u Ever Know 3 Old Movies That U Should Watch! : (exactly x de laa old sngt movies nieyh)
1.Hachiko : A Dog Story ! ohh feeling habess!
2.Curious Case of Benjamin Button
3.It Takes Two

Dudess ! 3 Movie above is so totally Awesome! :P haha . for me lahh! . Hachiko is about loyalty . Curious Case of Benjamin Button is about one human living his life backward , know what i means . haha . It Takes Two is about 2 kids with a same face living a different life untill they met each other! . well see it !

Okeyh Last but Not Least .

Did u Ever Know 3 Person that i missed most ! :
1.Kawan2 Sekolah SK Seri Ampang,SMK Wira Jaya,SMK Putrajaya Presint 16(1) and SMK Putrajaya Presint 11(1).
2.Kawan2 Tahfiz and Sekolah Pondok !
3.Teachers! haha yeayy!

*A:heyy Fizi! thats not a person lahh! its a bunch of persons! aiyooo!
B:Ohh yea? why dont you tell me before! damn it! malas laa nk tekan backspace!
A:Lahh i kena bagitaw you ke! . dah u x ckp ape2 so i diam jerla! duhh
B:shut up laa , now its all your fault!
A:Duhh Loser , nk speaking konon ! put a miror to your face dulu lahh brothahh!

(aksi Bercakap Sendiri oleh saya dan saya :P)

Well Person that i missed most is (sape2 yg terasa aku rindu dye tuhh! haa btullah lahh tuhh , rindu gile dohh! haha )

Okeyhh Done! Peace be Upon You :)