23 February, 2011


Hello? :)

Okeyhh Actually This Post is about Reunion yg akan dibuat oleh Pelajar2 Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Ampang Batch 93' .

See? I'm not lying right? haha .

Tapi aku x dpt dtng :( . uhuk2! haha . Reasons? i'm in Sabah right now +_+ duhh . kalau aku dekat semenanjung , insyaallah aku akan pergi . Dudess Rindu kowt kawan2 lama! lagi2 cikgu . Bilee lahh aku boleh jejakkan kaki kt ipoh , then pergi lawat sekolah! bileee?? .

Although x dpt dtng , atleast aku dpt laa , suai kenal balek dngn member2 lama yg kenal n yg x kenal +_+ . haha yeelaa , aku dulu mana famous! kelas pown last kan . haha . How? sbb ade group :D

See Again! i'm totally not lying lahh! hoho .

A: Mengade ohh mamat nieyh!
B: Taw x pe!
A: Muahaha . By The way have you check the video on the last post!
B: Ohh Yeahh! I'm Totally Love it ! They Cool , am i right?
A: Hoo Yeahh! But Like Anwar Hadi Most .
B: Ohh I see , well , i like Maria Elena :) hikhik!
A: Anwar Hadi Better
B: NO! Maria Better , she's pretty , ohh i feel amazed!
A: Nahhh , Anwar Hadi is more funny .
C: Well Matluthfi is better for me .
A&B: *silentt .

(A&B Still Investigate , who is the mysterious C that has bothering them)

Well They always appear in my new post , just ignore them .

Done . Peace Be Upon You :)